How To Develop A Grace Based Attitude

bigstock-Gratitude-Attitude-73444936The world will tell you that your attitude is everything. Grace will tell you that your attitude is reflection of what you believe. There are so many believers that exercise ‘great faith’, but it is ‘NEGATIVE’ faith. Enjoy this message as we dig into ‘How To Develop A Grace Based Attitude’.

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You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too. The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people! God loves EVERYBODY! No one is excluded! That is good news!! Now believe it!! For more info, visit: