Finding Hope: “When You Have Nothing”

finding Hope in NothingFinding Hope: “When You Have Nothing”

What if ‘nothing’ is a gift.  What the ‘nothing’ you are struggling with can become the very means God will use to show His blessing to you?  I know I like to know what my short term financial future is going to look like so I can plan accordingly.  (Future planning is also a great help).  But what happens when that ‘plan’ suddenly takes a sudden left turn or crashes?  How do we respond to our circumstantial crisis?  Today we will look at how God can use something that is empty and turn it into overflow.  Our perspective on who we think God is really matters during a time of difficulty.  If God is the cause of your trouble then you will have a very difficult time trusting and relying on Him.  If God is ‘good’ and the source of your ‘supply’….that will greatly impact how you face your current situation.  Enjoy!!


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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Finding Hope When Fear Cripples You – How God Turns Our Excuses Into Success.

excuses to successFinding Hope When Fear Cripples You – How God Turns Our Excuses Into Success.  Have you ever felt that you are not good enough or qualified to fulfill the dreams you may have?  Is insecurity paralyzing you or does fear cripple any move forward?    What if God has placed dreams in you and the only thing blocking them is ‘a fear mindset’?  What if there is a way through that seemly impossible brick wall, would you want to know how?  Today we look a man who was presented with an awesome dream to help so many people become free from oppression.  This man not only had God speak to him, but he questioned every part of the plan, whined that he was not good enough.  He had a ‘yeah…but’ for every argument God presented to him.  Enjoy hearing how grace flows through our doubts and fears and results in dreams fulfilled!!

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***Love what you are hearing?  Your donations make it possible for us to keep spreading this good news.  Two ways to donate: E-transfer or PayPal to Hope Fellowship:


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Expanding Our Understanding: The Mother Heart Of God.

Mother Heart Of GodExpanding Our Understanding: The Mother Heart Of God.

Be prepared to have your understanding of who God is ‘expanded’, especially if you have only believed God to be a ‘male’.  We will be exploring metaphors & anthropomorphisms that reveal God in many forms.  When the movie ‘The Shack’ came out, it created a lot of discussion as to who God really is.  What the book did do is create healthy discussions that forced individuals to revisit what they have always believed…and look deeper.  Enjoy today as we visit  and talk about and ‘even better’ perspective on who God is.

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***Love what you are hearing?  Your donations make it possible for us to keep spreading this good news.  Two ways to donate: E-transfer or PayPal to Hope Fellowship:


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Living Like Jesus Lived Pt 9: “Jesus Loves To Restore”

LLJL pt9Living Like Jesus Lived Pt 9: “Jesus Loves To Restore” – Today we dive into the Gospel of John and look at his perspective on the post resurrection account.  You may be surprised but some of the details you forgot about or where never told.  More importantly, take note of how Jesus was in the business of restoration and healing. After feeling shame and guilt from denying Jesus three times, Jesus singles out Peter and makes sure he does not stay in the mindset but lifts him to a more hope filled perspective!  Exchanging Shame for Hope. Enjoy!!


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***Love what you are hearing?  Your donations make it possible for us to keep spreading this good news.  Two ways to donate: E-transfer or PayPal to Hope Fellowship:


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit: