“We All Need Some Good OL’ Encouragement”

Encourage-One-Another“We All Need Some Good OL’ Encouragement”  Sometimes the circumstances all around us can appear discouraging and even down right dark.  However, there is hope in all circumstances.  Perhaps you are the one needing the encouragement, if so, you will hear good news today.  Perhaps you are going to be the one that will be sent to ‘be’ that encourager!  Today, you will be inspired to be a gift of hope to someone who needs it!  Enjoy this Scripture filled message of Hope!



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***Love what you are hearing?  Your donations make it possible for us to keep spreading this good news.  Two ways to donate: E-transfer or PayPal to Hope Fellowship: admin@hopefellowshipycc.com


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

“Which Of Your Footprints Do You Want Followed?”

Fathers footprintsWhich Of Your Footprints Do You Want Followed? (Even missteps can be redeemed)

A quick read through the Old Testament will reveal a lot of ‘Bad Dad’ patterns.  Even those whom we hear a lot about, seem to have really made some very ‘bad dad’ choices!  Many of these choices have led their children to repeat the negative patterns.  The good news is this: Without looking at their behaviour, most of these ‘Bad Dads’ are referred to as ‘heroes of the faith’, some even call righteous …..because that is how God saw them!

Today’s encouragement is that even missteps can be and often are redeemed!  If we could all be aware that we are making footprints of influence all around us, we would perhaps make wiser choices in our lives.  Our children are watching us, learning from our patterns and behaviours.  They ‘may’ hear what we have to say but our actions are what have the greatest impact.  What kind of a path are you creating right now?  Do you need to make a course correction?  Then make it…..make it a ‘Spiritual Path’ that can be followed by those behind you or those whom you are influencing.  Enjoy!!

(*about 27 min in, I show a video from YOUTUBE, but it is not allowed to be rebroadcasted, so visit the direct link here to take in the song that was shared this morning:  https://youtu.be/yLr6G8Xy5uc

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***Love what you are hearing?  Your donations make it possible for us to keep spreading this good news.  Two ways to donate: E-transfer or PayPal to Hope Fellowship: admin@hopefellowshipycc.com


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit: