When Hope Is Lost (there may be more going on than you know)

hopeWhen Hope Is Lost (there may be more going on than you know)  Who would have thought that after 400 years of silence, God would show up in a hopeless situation to bring good news! Riddled with shame and disgrace, this story gives hope, when hope is absolutely gone. God uses an Angel to bring good news, but today we also look at some other characteristics of Angels that give hope for all people! Enjoy!

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too. The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people! God loves EVERYBODY! No one is excluded! That is good news!! Now believe it!! For more info, visit:


FOCUS: What We Focus On Affects Our Minds And Attitudes.

4546017269_92cfdf070b_oFOCUS: What We Focus On Affects Our Minds And Attitudes. With all the negative messages from the news media, politics, and social media, we need to stop and evaluate what we are focusing on or listening to. It totally affects our attitudes and responses to things going on around us. Today’s message will encourage you to focus on something or rather someone greater than your circumstances! We need to be reminded that there is NOTHING that can separate us from God’s goodness and love. When we focus on that, we can actually find ‘joy’ despite our circumstances! Enjoy

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too. The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people! God loves EVERYBODY! No one is excluded! That is good news!! Now believe it!! For more info, visit:

· http://www.hopefellowshipycc.com

· http://www.gracewalkcanada.org

· http://www.gracewalk.org

· https://mikezenker.wordpress.com/

Under Pressure? You Are Not Alone!

under-pressureUnder Pressure? You Are Not Alone! Someone understands the pains of being under pressure in extreme circumstances.  Like an olive press crushes the olive to extract the valuable contents, Jesus was crushed in an olive garden on our behalf and fully understands our journey.  Today we will compare the two gardens Eden & Gethsemane and see the surprising parallels between the two.  Enjoy today’s very encouraging message!

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit: