Living Like Jesus Lived Pt 4: “Expressing Compassion To The Hurting”

LLJL pt4Living Like Jesus Lived Pt 4: “Expressing Compassion To The Hurting”

Life isn’t about trying to ‘copy’ all the behaviors that Jesus modeled in an attempt to ‘try to be like Jesus’.  Instead, it is about knowing his heart and the source of his love and power.  When we abide in Christ, just like Christ abided in the Father, it is THEN that the life and love of Christ flows out of us with an unconditional outpouring.  Enjoy as we dig into a few stories that seem to reveal how Jesus connected with hurting folks and expressed the compassion of his nature towards them.

  1. Severely crippled woman Luke 13
  2. Widow’s son – Funeral Crasher – Luke 7
  3. Compassion on People ‘without a shepherd’
  4. Compassion on two blind men
  5. Faith of one who understands Authority
  6. Tender touch healing of a leper
  7. Crashing through a roof


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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Living Like Jesus Lived: “His Extra Effort Loving The Overlooked”

LLJL pt3Living Like Jesus Lived Pt3: “His Extra Effort Loving The Overlooked”

Do we avoid the marginalized, or are we drawn towards them in love.  Do we even see them as we go about our day?  Today we will dive into how Jesus “affirmed equality’ of those were not given a voice.  Women.  Enjoy as we explore the compassionate heart of Christ towards women in a way that was absolutely counter-culture to his day.  He didn’t care about counter culture, he was about ‘living from who He was’….. the personification of love.  He had a special ‘heartbeat’ for the broken-hearted, the downcast, the marginalized, the overlooked and the outcasts.  Enjoy todays message of hope!

  1. Woman At The Well
  2. Jesus feet anointed by a woman
  3. Jesus feet anointed by Mary Magdalene
  4. The women who traveled with Jesus
  5. Jarius’s daughter
  6. Woman healed from years of bleeding


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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Living Like Jesus Pt 2: He Just Loved People

LLJL pt 2Living Like Jesus Pt 2: He Just Loved People

If we are to ‘Live Like Jesus Lived’, then we need to know what Jesus meant when he said “as the Father sent me, in the same way, I’m sending you’.    He didn’t mean that we copy cat his behaviour and focus on doing all the things Jesus did.  He meant to abide in Him, just as He abided in His Father.  We are to live the same way, each moment of every day trusting the indwelling Christ to guide, direct, and instruct us on what to do at any given moment.  Yield all that control.  It will look like ‘love’ to anyone observing from the sidelines.

Today we begin a rapid journey through the earthly life of Jesus and high light some of the key stories.  1. Jesus Baptism; 2. Jesus Wilderness experience; 3. Meeting His first disciples; 4. Water into wine miracle; 5.  Money changers; 6. Night visit with Nicodemus.   I hope you will be encouraged by today’s message


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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Living Like Jesus: What Does That Look Like?

LLJL pt 1Living Like Jesus: What Does That Look Like?

Many folks have been told they are supposed to live like Jesus, but have never wisely been told how. Instead, they have been told to ‘copy’ Jesus actions and repeat his words recorded in the Bible. What if this advice falls terribly short of what it means to truly ‘live like Jesus’? For the next few weeks, we are going to dig into a number of key stories from the Gospels that express the heart and attitude of Jesus as he interacted on this earth over 2000 years ago. Today we will look more closely at ‘how’ Jesus lived and hopefully discover a few patterns that we could learn from and apply to our own lives. It may not be what you think, it certainly isn’t ‘W.W.J.D.’…..but rather WHJL + LLJL. I hope you will be encouraged by today’s message

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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit:

Don’t Lose Hope (lessons from Joseph, the baker and the butler)

Don't Lose Hope JosephDon’t Lose Hope (lessons from Joseph, the baker and the butler)

Our circumstances do not tell the whole story.  I only shows us what we are currently walking through.  Our emotions tend to respond to the circumstances and therefore can’t always be trusted as the whole truth.  There may be much more going on than we realize and this is only one chapter in a much bigger developing story.  I trust the ‘Author’ to sort out the details but it ‘is difficult’ while we are walking through dark or confusing times.  Today we look into the story of Joseph, the baker, and the butler.  There are some deep lessons we can learn from this story filled with many ups and downs!  I hope you are encouraged by what you hear!  Enjoy!

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Let’s share the GOOD NEWS that is for everyone to everyone!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Imagine what will happen if you believe it?  For more info, visit: