Encourage Today! Life Is Too Short To Wait!

encouragement todayEncourage Today! Life Is Too Short To Wait!

Have you ever found yourself in a ‘low’ time of life when depressing and despairing thoughts seem to come at you from all sides? During any of these times, was there a person who stepped in and encouraged you? If yes, then you know the power and importance of encouragement. If no, then you may know how much it would have helped! Life is short! Encourage today while you still can. Enjoy this message as it ‘will’ make you smile a few times!!

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit:

ENCOURAGEMENT! You Need it, Others Need it!

ENCOURAGE 2ENCOURAGEMENT! You Need it, Others Need it!

Did you know that ‘The Bible’ is FILLED with incredible good news and encouragement for you?  You just need to know where to look!  Today, you will be encouraged by what you ‘hear’ and by what you ‘see’.  Really good news will be unpacked for you and you will learn HOW to encourage others too!

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit:

NEXT Mission’s Trip – READ ALL ABOUT IT!!


Good News from Mike

Grace Walk Canada is entering a ‘new season,’ a reboot if you will.  Stay tuned as we launch new resources, conferences, and speaking dates over the next two years.  It is time to take this message of Grace beyond the church walls and bring it to people who have never heard it before! This has been sparked by a number of conversations with the Grace Walk leaders, by asking the question ‘who are we trying to reach’?  One of the discussions involved the importance of including and stimulating the youth of our generation to hear, believe, and understand the message of Grace.  This means that we need provide them opportunities to practice and learn how to share the love of Christ.  Hence the birth of the “2016 Mexico Missions Trip”.  This trip took place during March break and I want to invite everyone to watch the video in the following link, which summarizes what happened, personal experiences, and what we learned from the trip.  (CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO)

As a result of our trip and speaking with village leaders, teachers and townspeople, we realized there are some very practical and inexpensive things we could do to ‘love this village with the love of Christ’.

  1. The village is bare and gray, hardly any colour.  We had 12 homes painted and began giving the gift of colour and joy to this little village.
  2. We found out that the public Jr. High School was functioning without even basic supplies such as:
    1. ‘Missing and broken glass’ in the school windows, causing dust and wind to blow through each classroom everyday, causing dust piles, blown around papers, a lot of dirt.
    2. Hardly any desks for students to sit at, and the few that were there, were broken bent and fragile.
    3. The teacher had hardly any tools or resources for teaching.
    4. No working fans in the classrooms to cool them down
    5. Bathroom facilities were in a dangerous state: they had to go to a water pit outside, let down a pail on a rope, bring the pail in, use it to pour in the toilets, and this was for every toilet.
    6. The water hole had a large enough opening that a smaller youth could ‘easily’ fall down, creating a constant danger.
    7. They lacked any sports equipment, soccer balls, basket balls, Frisbees, bouncy balls, skipping ropes,
  3. This village lacks hope and encouragement.  They struggle with such a low income level that they simply cannot afford a single improvement.
  4. They were very, very open to the message of Grace and Love we shared with them.

Click here to donate now.

Next Step: 2016 Mexico Missions Trip – Part Two (July)

I’m going back to this village ‘El Limon’ this July and would like to invite you to participate with a financial gift so we can help this village in a practical way.  I believe by doing this, they will see our love and be even more open to the message we bring.  We need to raise $3300-$3500 to fulfill the purpose of this trip.  When you see what these funds will do, your heart will be warmed, I hope you will partner with me on this second trip!!  Click here to donate now.

Purpose of the trip:

  • Discipleship training of leaders
  • Replace all the glass
  • Install rooftop water tank and pumps to have flushing toilets in the public school
  • Bring resources for training
  • Bring fans into the classrooms
  • Begin painting a few more homes
  • Extra chairs for a grace house church

This village has been put on my heart for a number of reasons.

  1. The need is great, and for very little expense as Canadians, we can speak deeply into this village with simple help.
  2. This village has already been exposed to the message of Grace and needs to have this message cultivated so it can grow and reproduce
  3. This is the town Gerardo Vasquez’s wife Gloria grew up in.  It was a missionary who came to the village that allowed her the opportunity to hear and believe in God.  Let’s continue the work that has already been started and be the missionaries who bring even more good news.

Click here to donate now.




BE ENCOURAGED….and encourage One Another

encourageBE ENCOURAGED….and encourage One Another .

We All Need Encouragement! Whether things are going well or if we are walking through a storm in our life, we all need some very KEY reminders about our Father’s love and acceptance of us.  Enjoy part one on ‘Encouragement’ focusing key verses from the Scriptures we need to be reminded of!  No matter where you are at in life, I hope you will find ‘some’ encouragement in what you hear today!!


You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.


Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit: