Inaccurate Manger Scenes (and more)

hipster-nativity-scene-3Inaccurate Manger Scenes (and more).  The traditional manger scene is nostalgic with a warm fuzzy feeling look to it.  What if it isn’t totally accurate, or at least what if there is another perspective on what really happened and where it really happened?    Enjoy this re-telling of the familiar Christmas story as it pertains to the shepherds and ‘wise men’!  I always love it when fresh insights are discovered!!!

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit:



#1. Grace Walk Canada could really use a year end donation of any amount to help us close the year in a much healthier place and start the new year with some financial stability. Would you consider beginning a monthly donation of $10/$20 or a lump sum gift? Anything would help and it would allow us to continue to share good new all across Canada and beyond.

#2. Sponsor a Child Christmas gift for $10/a child. This is going to the Missions Trip village we went to twice this past year. The families have nothing and we would like to gift each child in the village with something.

Would you join us for either #1 or #2….or both??

Click this link to donate today! (DONATE button is at the bottom right of the screen)  OR call our office at 1-888-472-2350


xmas-stressCHRISTMAS STRESS: How To Handle It.  Twas weeks before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, ……oh wait, ….every creature was stirring and the stress in the home was building.  Is this what your season sounds like or do you know someone who is ‘over stressed’ this Christmas?  Today’s message is raw, honest and very practical.  Get your pen ready to jot down great ‘stress reducing pointers’ in this powerful message!  (*special thanks to Lori Zenker for GREATLY contributing to this topic and many of the points)

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too.  The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people!  God loves EVERYBODY!  No one is excluded!  That is good news!! Now believe it!!  For more info, visit:

When Christmas Becomes “Routine”

z2f1vawWhen Christmas Becomes “Routine” Has Christmas become a boring routine, a tradition of mundane events?  Maybe a ‘closer look’ at the actual Christmas story may help you to find a greater purpose for the season and bring deeper meaning to this long held tradition.  For over 2000 years the church has celebrated this incredible ‘anticipation of the coming of Christ’.  There is much we can learn from our history, I hope you enjoy today’s take on the this traditional story.

You may have heard God loves you, but did you know He LIKES you too. The message the ‘typical’ church sends to the world is that God is really ticked and his anger is building…well….that God doesn’t even EXIST!! And we wonder why people feel condemned by the message ‘the church’ seems to send.

Let’s share the GOOD NEWS for all people TO all people! God loves EVERYBODY! No one is excluded! That is good news!! Now believe it!! For more info, visit: