Day 3: Are You Hungry or Thirsty?


Is something missing in life?  What is ‘that thing’ deep within us that makes us ‘feel’ like there is a void or like some dots are not connecting?  Why does it seem there is more to ‘this God’ we ‘say’ we believe in, and we can’t quite put our finger on it?  Sometimes the hunger becomes so intense that we hope no one around us can ‘hear our stomach growl’.  It is almost like something within us is restless and is yearning for an answer, a yearning for more.  More of What?

That ‘feeling’ we may have is just that, a ‘feeling’.  We may not be able to put into words that ‘deep is calling out to deep’ inside of us.  It may ‘feel like’ something is missing, but the reality is that everything we could ever possibly need is already deep within us.  His name is Jesus.  He is the LIGHT that shines in darkness, ‘even if’ the darkness does not perceive it, it is still there.  (ponder that for a moment).

A couple things can bring on this hunger, pain and “the lure”.  Pain brings it on when our circumstances overwhelm us (just like in Psalm 142), and we cry out for someone else to meet the need.  The ‘lure’, is just that, a lure from the one within us creating a hunger to want more.  It is HE that is creating this desire for more and allowing us to ‘experience’ discomfort or discontent!  Discontent is not always a bad thing.  It could be authored by your loving Saviour to draw you into him more and more.

Today, recognize the ‘deep’ within you.  Is Deep calling out to Deep in your soul?  What is your response?  Consider today, that He does work ‘all’ things together and the journey you are on, is just that, a journey.  He is walking it with you and ‘in you’.  Imagine recognizing moment by moment his presence in you, especially when the pain of life attacks and rips away all your self-sufficiency.

Verses For The Day

Psalm 42 – the entire Psalm, focus on vs7

John 7:37-38 (The Message)  On the final and climactic day of the Feast, Jesus took his stand. He cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says.”

Lastly, the reminder of ‘who’ it is that is creating the hunger….

Philippians 2: 12-13  12 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

Questions for the Day:

1.  Looking back in life, can you see how God ‘may have’ been prompting you already?

2.  How have you tried to ‘meet your own thirst’ needs in the past.

3.  How do your own ways of getting your needs met, compare with how God may be trying to meet your needs?

4.  Re-read the Phlippians passage, what does it say about ‘where the hunger comes from” and who will meet the need?

5.  Do you believe the Bible?  Do you believe what these two passages say?  If so, how will you view internal yearnings differently now?

Video Of The Day

All Who Are Thirsty – Vineyard Music


Heavenly Father, please open my eyes to see that it is in fact you creating this hunger deep within me to ‘know you more’. Show me how to respond.  Reveal to me the power of your love and show me how to trust you on this journey of growing deeper in grace!  Today, I will look for you within me….let me see you please!

9 thoughts on “Day 3: Are You Hungry or Thirsty?

  1. Thanks Mike

    I like “ Deep is calling out to Deep”

    Over the years I have questioned, doubted, kicked, spat, cursed, felt alone, lost, empty, violated, walked away and even crucified him in the darkness or all the background noises that I had accepted as my own. I doubted that he even loved me and that he created bad circumstances in my life to wake me up.

    All He said and is saying “Give me your worst, and then, when you are done come and sit with Me” and I will speak a Word with you.

    All that I projected on “Truth” a Person, were illusions and lies and the Rock was not moved or shaken. His Love (Father,Son and Holy Spirit) in me, spoke, “I love you” and is renewing or renovating all, my own self-induced belief systems about Him including who He is, and is gently revealing His-story of His finished Person and Work.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Like going back for seconds when we have tasted something delicious, it’s only natural that we desire (hunger and thirst) to further comprehend and tangibly experience the beautiful truth of Jesus’ finished work, our identity in Him and living in union. It’s not that we are looking for God to do something more than His perfect work already has finished. We are just saying, “Yes Lord! Thank You Lord!” Today, Karen and I are restfully open to the Holy Spirit revealing more of this wonderful reality in ever aspect of our life adventure.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mike, I’m blown away! I just started today and after listening to your intro video, I got a song that I think will encourage everyone on this journey with you. I’ve only heard it a couple of times in my life so I only had a line or two that I knew, but when I looked up the lyrics, it was so fitting!! – for me it’s about falling in love with the world of people around us. PS> I’m looking for a another female to travel this 40-day road with, if someone would like to share their experience (must have a good sense of humour haha).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deep calls to deep…nails it Mike…had a medical situation in the night and peace and counsel from holy spirit within me …resolved at home in his presence….slept in deep peace despite situation…no need to go to hospital…was a beautiful sense of being held in the embrace of Dad..despite feeling “thirsty” all day he was never turned away and the medical issue turned me deeper into and receiving that which i was thirsting for…all day..the situation had me sit still and receive 🙂 to hear him whisper it’s safe to sleep.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Good, good soul enriching stuff! Papa God has been showing me more and more lately that in the midst of the crazy overwhelm of life, I can focus on HIS overwhelming love instead, bringing the knowledge and peace that He knows, cares, and has “got it”.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Love This journey. Slightly off today’s topic but God showed me something amazing as i am looking for Him consciously daily now. My husband. I have often thought i wish he was ‘holier’ or more excited about spiritual things or whatever. God showed me today he (my husband ) totally has the Father’s heart. He has worked for 25 years to support me and our children, long hours 6 days a week so i could stay home when they were young. He has sacrificed for us even though he has been tired and sick at times. He has been faithful to me and stuck by me in sickness and in health. He is a godly man and I am devastated today that I never really saw it. He is God’s man and I am blessed to ge his wife.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Today I followed a gentle nudge in my heart to clear the air and reconcile with a friend after a disagreement/misunderstanding. I know that ‘nudge’ was Christ spurring me to act like who I truly am.

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