Day 7: A day of rest

10463067_10202176244278883_5813180431321906855_nToday was an awesome day.  I had the privilege of hanging out with my family at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Ontario.  We recognized we had not ‘hung out’ as a family for quite some time so we took the day just to explore something we have never been to.   A few moments ago I told my wife Lori that today was a great day, it was a day of ‘rest.’  Her response was, ‘Really, to me it was a tiring day, what do you mean by a day of rest?”

It was true, it had been a very tiring day of driving two hours with Toronto traffic, walking through four floors of incredible exhibits, finding out where everyone wandered off too before we moved on to the next exhibit together.  Walking a lot of flights of stairs, dodging yelling kids in strollers bored out of their minds. Driving another two hours home with several stops along he way, and by the time 5pm rolled around, I had already walked 15,874 steps.  (that is a lot).  Yes, I was tired too.

So why was it a day of rest for me?  For me, I was able to take my attention off of my work responsibilities.  I was able to put out of my mind all the house projects that have piled up.  I didn’t have to think about what I had to do the rest of this week, or month or the pending events coming up for the rest of the year.  My mind was able to rest.  I was able to focus all my attention on my family and love them each individually.  It was fun just hanging out, and not having something else running in the back ground of my mind.  I saw another glimpse into my family that made me love them even more.

It is interesting that today is ‘day seven’ of my blogging project.  A day of rest.  Perhaps today, or tomorrow, or whatever day you choose, create a day of rest for yourself.  It may include your spouse, your family, or just with some friends, whatever you choose, appoint a time or a day for ‘intentional rest’.  We have been created for rest.  We have been designed from the time of creation for rest.   I will address “Jesus as our rest” in a future blog.  Today I just wanted to share with you what unfolded today.  May you find rest and peace ‘in Christ’ who lives in you.

Verse for the Day:

Matthew 28 (The Message)  28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Questions for the Day:

  1. How have you understood the idea of ‘rest’?  Religious duty, ritual, etc?
  2. Does the verse above mean anything to you?  if so, what could it be saying to you?
  3. What do you think the idea that ‘Jesus is your rest’ could mean?
  4. Do you practice the rest of Jesus in your life?  Are you responding to his promptings?

Video of the Day:

Word Of God Speak (Mercy Me)


Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to find rest in you.  Thank you that i was able to experience your rest in the middle of busy and fun family time.  Please keep teaching me how to experience your rest each day, not just on special days.

5 thoughts on “Day 7: A day of rest

  1. Odd Mike I had the same thoughts yesterday and this is part of my post…Mtt 11:28-30…if the burden is too heavy it is not your burden to carry…carry the yoke of Christ (the yoke is itself a burden, one burden added to another, and yet it has the peculiar nature of making another burden light)…and that burden you carry becomes light in the yoke of Christ…he carries all our burdens…find rest for your souls in Christ, yoked to his gentleness and humility, burdens fall and we find complete rest…Christ in us

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